Saturday was Thad's big party! We rented the pirate ship bouncy at the YMCA. The kids had a blast running and jumping. Thad and I even got to jump around in the bouncy. We found a little room inside the bouncy that was away from the other kiddos and hid in there with Jill and Maddix. By 4:00 Thad was one tired boy! He had his own little cake that he got to destroy! After we all sang Happy Birthday to him I gave him his cake and he looked at it for a second then took one finger and dipped it in the frosting and licked it. It was so precious to see him dip one finger in and taste it! He must have liked the frosting because he went back for seconds and thirds and so on!!! The cake had lots of frosting so he didn't get too much cake. He had fun with it all over his hands and smeared it all over his face.
Question, is this cake all for me?
All the kids were around Thad while he was eating his cake and one boy ran back to tell his Grandma that Thad was eating all the cake and that he wasn't going to get a piece. He wanted to know why all the kids were just staring at Thad while he was eating his cake. He was very worried that Thad was going to eat all the cake and he wouldn't get any.
After all the excitement of the bouncy, cake and the guests he was beyond tired and ready for his afternoon nap. We waited to open his presents at home. He got so many toys and clothes! There was only one gift that he started crying when he saw it...........a bronco jersey and pants. My friend Sheila and her husband are big Bronco fans and thought it would be funny to give him a bronco outfit. Adam wanted to burn it but we decided not too! Good thing she left the gift receipt so we can take that back to the store! He got a wagon, cars, trucks, bath toys, clothes, a table he can stand up with, a zoo membership, tent, books, two different sock monkeys, and so much more. He is having fun playing with it all.
Thank you all so much who came to celebrate Thad's first year and for all who helped with the party. We appreciate all our family and friends and when Thad looks back at the video and pictures from his special day he will know how much everyone cares about him.
Thad and all his friends! (his best friend is Jesse the one sitting beside him in the blue)
It's my party and I'll cry if I want too!
We also started Thad on whole milk last week. I am still nursing at night and early in the morning but he would rather drink his milk from a sippy cup during the day. He kind of weaned himself and made me a little sad! I guess that is one more step to becoming a big boy. He seems to love the whole milk and guzzles it down. I am still pureeing some of his veggies but have a feeling that will end soon. He would much rather feed himself than have us spoon veggies. He will let us get 3-4 spoonfuls in his mouth before he shakes his head no and covers his eyes. I'm not sure why I started this but if I sing "Ride a horse, ride a horse, ride a real fast horse" he opens his mouth and lets us feed him the rest.
We have his one year check up on Friday and then his big birthday party on Saturday. We rented the YMCA pirate ship bouncy! I'm sure I'll have lots ofpictures and stories to post this weekend.
Here's to the birthday boy, we love you soooooooo much!
This is the end result of his dipping! He gets it all over his face, hands, table, etc.! He is too funny.
Need I say more?
Thad decided to take his first "crawls" last night at a friends house. He is a natural at crawling now! He still would rather be carried from one spot to the other but enjoys trying chasing the pug and going up and down the hall way. Adam was home with him today and was able to work with him and get great videos! I was happy we both got to see him crawl for the first time. We got carpet about a month ago and we are so glad we did. Thad likes the new carpet and it isn't as hard on his knees as the hard wood floors would have been. He still has red knees from crawling today!!!! Our little man is growing up, a birthday right around the corner he wanted to show off for his party!
These are also his big boy shoes we just found. I have been on the hunt for shoes for him for over a month. His feet are a little fat so it was hard to find shoes to fit them. I finally found a size 5 that fits him. It makes him look like a big boy with them on!
Almost done, finishing the backside
Look at our big boy!
They even had a little envelope packet with a lock of hair and a poloroid picture to put in it. Hopefully all his haircuts will be this good!