Friday, May 23, 2014

New pets

Thad wanted a snail really bad. We went to look for them at the pet store and decided they were way too much work for now and we didn't want to get a big fish tank just yet. He went from wanting a snake, lizard, turtle and then with a little convincing he chose a Hermit Crab! I wasn't quite sure what to think at first and now I think I'm more obsessed with them!! They are really fun to watch and I've even watched a few videos on YouTube! 
 We got the whole set up for Herman the crab and thought we would just start with one (and make sure we could keep him alive!) Ollie really wanted his own crab so back to the pet store we went. 

Ollie named his T-Rex and these little crabs fit Thad and Ollie's personality! Thad is more laid back and likes to "rest" on the couch and watch his movies. Ollie is all over the place, climbing, running and playing like crazy. Herman, Thad's crab likes to hang out and we hardly ever see him move. T-Rex is all over the place climbing and moving. It's fun to see them get so excited about the crabs! 

This is T-Rex 

Ollie and Andrew love watching the crabs during the day. They like to sleep most of the day and are more active at night. 

It won't be long and we'll be getting a 3rd crab for Andrew! 

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