Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sick Baby

I ended up taking Thad to the Dr. this morning after 24 hours of vomitting. He started throwing up yesterday morning after I nursed him and then his lunch and so on and so on. Last night wasn't too bad but he was up a few times throughout the night and after I fed him this morning at 6 am he threw up again. He doesn't have a fever and is still interested in playing and eating, he just can't keep anything down. I called the Dr. and they said to bring him in for a check up. She said he does have a stomach bug which is going around like crazy right now. He doesn't like the pedialyte in any flavor so I am going to try and trick him and mix it with his juice. One good thing with Thad is when he's sick, he is still happy as can be.


Matt, Jena, Joshua and Cora said...

Poor little man feel better soon!

T said...

Both Blake and Allie had the same thing about two weeks ago. No fever, no other symptoms...just throwing up a lot. Thankfully it wore off the second to third day. You should be in the clear soon. Hang in there!