Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hitting Baby

Thad is so adorable and cute but he also has his naughty side. He likes to hit his mommy in the face. I’m really the only one he hits. We will be in church and he’ll get mad at me and start hitting my face. Or we will be sitting on the floor and he will use me to pull himself up and hit my face. I have tried everything- ignoring him not showing him attention after he does it, gently tapping his wrist, holding his hands down, telling him NO in my upset mommy voice and nothing seems to work!!!! Is this just a phase he is going through? He will hit Adam every once in a while but nothing like he hits me. If we are in church and he gets really mad, he starts hitting me with both hands!! When I tell him NO he puts his head down on my chest like he knows its wrong but yet he still does it over and over!!!! Any thoughts from anyone, has this happened to you. Hopefully this is just a phase he is going through.


Kathy K said...

I guess he has the strongest emotions for you!!! Kids do like to push their mommie's buttons. You will get him under control soon, I am sure. That is one good thing about taking them to Church. Eventually, they learn that they have to be good when they are asked to.

Beth said...

Tatum went through that a little bit. She liked the reaction she got from me. Eventually she got a little flick on the forehead and a very stern NO followed by Mommie putting her down when she decided to hit me. It's a stage and it will pass. Tell him no and hand him to Daddy. He'll get the idea.