Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend in Tribune

We had a long weekend in Tribune for Mother's Day Weekend. Adam's sister Beth and her daughter Tatum made the long drive from Parson's. We hung out with them for a few days then the Beringer crew came from Goodland. Jena and Josh were sick so they stayed home for a few days and came down for Sunday afternoon. Thad and Tatum were good buddies. We went on walks, went to the park, played in the hot tub (it wasn't actually hot water!), and lots of playing outside. The weather was very nice the first few days and colder the last few but that didn't stop the kiddo's. The big boys even cut down a dead tree in the backyard.

This is Larry who lives in Wayne and Kathy's backyard in the summer and in the basement in the Winter time. Jena bought Larry about 10 years ago when he could fit in her hand. Now all the new babies have a picture sitting on Larry.

We tried reinacting a picture of Maddix, Thad and Joshua we took last August. The two babies were laying there heads on Thad's lap. Different story this time, we tried laying them down on his lap and they all started screaming so we sat them all up. I think Thad was a little concerned with why they were so upset!!!
All the cousins minus the other Younger family. We missed you Cole, Jacob and Gracie!

Happy Mother's Day!
We always have a good time in Tribune even though it tends to get a little loud and crowded sometimes. We always eat good and way too much. Thanks Wayne and Kathy for putting up with all of us and the pugs too!!!!

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1 comment:

julieldivine said...

hey mindy,
is your schedule the same in the summer? would you want to get together sometime? maybe we could meet at a park for a picnic - mommies and kids?