Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Table

I finally got a new table!!! We bought a table after we got married and I just had to have a glass table top. I loved the look of it but little did I know I would HATE it later! It always looked dirty, with fingerprints, dust, etc. It was impossible to keep clean with Thad anywhere around. One little touch and it had little fingerprints all over it. He did hit his head alot on it too! These were my selling points to Adam on getting a new table. I didn't want poor Thad to hit his head anymore!!!

It is a high top wood table with leather seat chairs. I LOVE IT! The high top tables must be in because that is pretty much all they had. We needed something small enough for our dining area but big enough for when we have company. This table has a leaf that folds under the table to make it bigger. I can't stop staring at it!! It definitely dresses up that area and Thad hasn't hit his head once!!!

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Adam isn't much of a shopper so his mom Kathy and Wayne came out last weekend and helped me pick it out. We were bored one night so we went to a few places to scope out the tables. I'm pretty persuasive and usually get my way so Sunday I took Adam to see what I had to have! He liked it and it was a good deal so we loaded it up in the minivan (another reason I love my van)!!! Thanks Adam for my new table!!! I promise this one will last for more than five years!

1 comment:

Kathy K said...

Looks great Mindy! Be back out for supper soon!!