Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dear Emma.........

Last week we went to the cemetary and found a letter and baby blanket at Emma's grave. The letter was to Emma from someone we have never met. It shows you just how much Emma is affecting lives she never even knew. The letter reads:

Dear Emma,

Hi babygirl. All thou we never met I have visited you many times before. Unknown to your self you have given me and my family such strength. My 3 month old son fell very ill and his lungs collapsed. He stopped breathing and was hospitalized. My sister and I came to visit her best friend buried not to far from here and I was drawn to your grave. I sat here with you and cried begging for help. Then suddenly I was covered with a feeling of peace. I have visited you often since. My family and I are now moving to Wisconsin. I couldn't go without saying goodbye and thank you. You truely were an angel to me. God Bless you.

She left her name and number on the letter and I am calling her this weekend. This letter gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes. Emma is so special and has changed so many lives. She was put here on this earth for a short time but will touch lives for years to come.


Kathy K said...

I am so glad you gave Emma a nice memorial stone and site. You never can tell who might see it today and in the future and it does remind us the importance of her life or any life for that matter.

Matt, Jena, Joshua and Cora said...

I could of cried when I read this. That little girl is still hard at work, doing such good things. Keep us posted on the family she has touched so much. Thank you for sharing:o)

Jason Younger said...

Wow! God is so good! I can't wait to see her again!