Thursday, October 27, 2011

No cavities!

Yes, Thad is almost 4 and I have never taken him to the dentist.  Most of it was because I was afraid he would scream and cry and I didn't want to put him through it or me!  Well my child has surprised me and he was PERFECT at the dentist.  He let the lady clean his teeth with cotton candy paste.  He sat up there like a BIG boy.  I was so proud of him.

The dentist came in and Thad let him scrape his teeth and look inside.  He even got x-rays taken but when he came out of the room he said "I didn't like that part!"  I gag every time I get the x-rays so I can imagine how he felt :)  The dental staff were so friendly and great with Thad.  I don't think I would ever be able to work in a pediatric dentist office!  

Thad was excited because they gave him a glove to wear and he got to play with the water dispenser, the sucker that goes in your mouth and a little brush.  They had Lion King playing on a TV on the ceiling and he got a goody bag on the way out.  It was a great first visit.  The best part is no cavities!  We go back in 6 months for another cleaning.  The dentist talked to him about making sure he gets all the sugar bugs off of his teeth every morning and night.  

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