So I talked with Dr. Hoover about our little man and his sleeping patterns. Last night he was up 6 times from 10 pm until 7 am this morning. I don't think he's even hungry when he wakes up he just wants a little comfort with nursing. Dr. Hoover's suggestions were to start having him sleep in his own bed at night, try and fall asleep for naps on his own rather than me nurse him to fall asleep. He said to let him fuss as long as I can stand to hear it and then go pat him or pick him up for a minute. He also said for Adam to go in at night time to pat him or change his diaper so he doesn't see me and think he is going to nurse. These are all great suggestions, but can I really move him to his own bed after 6 months of sleeping right next to me? Right now I feel it's fine getting up with him but when I do go back to work it will make it hard getting up 6 times a night with him and then functioning during the day. So we'll see how it goes, maybe I'll start working on his naps first, get him to fall asleep on his own and then work on the nights!! I'm his security blanket!
How can I resist this precious face?!?!?!?!?!?
You are such a big boy Thad. I hope you start sleeping through the nights soon!
Love you
Grandma Luci and Papa Steve
Well, you know what I go through w/ my 17 mos old but it IS getting better. She's not up nearly as much as she use to be. Tatum takes naps in her own bed and starts the night out in her crib. But I just can't resist bringing her to bed with me when she gets up for her midnight snuggle. It's such a short time in their lives when they're little. I just want to embrace it because it won't last nearly long enough. And he is way too cute to sleep all night alone!! A really great book that I've recently read that may help is The No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley. She had some really good suggestions on getting babies (even babies who co-sleep and nurse) to sleep more at night and in longer spurts and it didn't matter if they were sleeping in their own bed or yours. Good luck!
Congrats on the great check up. I think the suggestions are good - honestly - my kids slept better once I put them in their crib - but I still go up and nursed them if they wanted it, it just wasn't all night long. Thad has caught up with Peter weight wise....which really is sad for poor little 14 month old Peter. But maybe he'll have a competitive spirit and jump into gear!
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