Wednesday, September 21, 2011

We had some visitors last weekend.  Adam's sister Beth came out with Tatum and Jude.  We had a fun time and Thad loved playing with Tatum even though they fought some of the time like they were brother and sister!  

We went to the zoo on Saturday.  It was our children's activity for Mended Little Hearts so we went with some of our heart friends.  



Oliver liked to be able to look out at all the action.  

 Jude got to feed the giraffes!

 Mary, Melissa and Me.  Melissa has been our fearless leader for Mended Little Hearts for this past year and just got a great job opportunity in another state (tear, tear).  We are going to miss her so much!  

 We always have to ride the train when we come to the zoo.

 Thad waiting patiently to ride the horse's.

Tatum loved riding the horse.

 Since Tatum went by herself Thad decided he would go by himself.  Usually Adam walks with him but he wanted to be just like Tatum and go by himself.

 They had fun feeding the chickens

The monkeys put on quit the show for us.  There was one who was very ornery and was antagonizing the other two in there.  Everytime the monkey would swing over to the glass all the kids laughed.  I think we stayed in that spot for 15 minutes just watching them.

Tatum wanted to ride the sky ride really bad so we all braved it.  We wanted to ride together but couldn't so Beth, Tatum and Jude rode together and our family rode together.  I have been on it before when Thad was almost 2.  It gives me the heebie geebies!  I was clinching onto Oliver so tight and would barely move because I didn't want the seat to swing anymore than it already was.  Thad did very good and sat like a good little boy. They have a playground at the top where the kids played and climbed.  

Beth, Tatum and Jude are in the seat above us.

Oliver and Jude had fun together too.  Every time Jude saw Ollie he would just smile.

We had a fun weekend and so glad Beth came out to visit us.  Thad was sad when Tatum left.  I think he has told me about 15 times "Mommy, I miss Tatum.  But she will be back next week right?"  I guess we'll have to make a trip to Kansas soon so he can see his cousin again. 

 (Beth, I will send you the pictures I took from the weekend-there are a lot!)

1 comment:

Beth said...

We had sooo much fun!! Thank you for taking good care of us. Love and Miss you much. xoxoxoxo