Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Trimester Screening

Today we had our first trimester screening also known as a Nuchal Translucency ultrasound where they measure the fluids on the baby's neck.  The thickness of the fluid can determine if the baby has down syndrome or a possible heart defect.  I am happy to say our baby's fluid thickness looked great! It was well in the normal range.  They start to get concerned when it's a 3 and baby's is at a 1.  I had this ultrasound done with Thad and his was "thick" which was our first indicator that he was going to have a heart defect.  Oliver also had this and his was a 1 and has a very healthy heart! We are so blessed to have this great news.  We will still have a fetal echo done at 18 weeks to check the heart.  I found out today when we did genetic counseling (for the 4th time!) that since we had a baby with Hypo Plastic Left Heart we have a 8% chance of having another baby with any type of defect and a 22% chance of having another baby with Hypo Plastic Left Heart.  I would be fine if I never heard the term Hypo Plastic Left Heart ever again! 

Baby was very active today and it looked like he/she was pushing his feet off a wall and bouncing back and forth! Everything else is measuring right on track and we still have a due date of March 8th.  Please continue to keep baby in your thoughts and prayers and pray for a healthy heart.  Seeing the baby on the ultrasound screen today makes me so happy.  After having 3 babies already and seeing this little miracle in my belly moving around is so amazing.  It never gets old looking at a baby inside the womb! I'm excited to feel him/her moving around.

1 comment:

Matt, Jena, Joshua and Cora said...

Hi little Younger baby!!!! Glad your doing soooo well!!!! Prayers for you to keep up the good work!!