Sunday, September 7, 2008

Week in Russell

We had a good time in Russell. Thad and I managed to catch another cold there! The weather was cold and rainy most of the time we were there. We got to see my best friend from high school, Jessica and her mom. We saw Uncle Mike, cousin Dawson, Uncle Doug and Aunt Michelle and all the three girls. We also babysat my niece Macie for the week. Thad likes little kids so he had fun staring and smiling at her. She is such a tattle-teller and would always let me know when Thad was staring at her or if he would cough and not cover his mouth or touch her jeans, etc. He would make noises and she always wanted to know what he was saying. I had to explain to her over a dozen times a day that he is a baby and can't do everything she does. She is a little pistol! She did like to babysit him if I would leave the room for a second. She was pretty proud that I left her in charge of him! The girls are also my little germ natzies! If we would go into a store they were right there to tell people not to touch his hands or face. It takes the pressure off of me and plus its cuter coming from a little kid than the germ-o-phob obsessive mom! I do have to admit I have come along way from a few months ago. I'm not as anal as I was about not touching him and washing your hands before you even touch him. Now that it is getting colder outside I'm sure I'll be a little more strict with the hand washing!

Isn't the monkey picture freaky looking! It was wierd seeing the girls with the masks on!
We are glad to be home and sleeping in our own beds and of course Thad and I missed Adam lots! He said the house was very quiet without us!


Luci said...

We had a good time while you were here. We miss you already!

Beth said...

Visiting family is so much fun but there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed! I'm glad you guys had fun and I'm glad Macie kept you in line ;-)